(FINAL ANSWER) NR351 Week 4 Assignment: Professional Paper Worksheet (Graded)

NR351 Week 4 Assignment: Professional Paper Worksheet (Graded)


  1. Carefully read these directions and the grading rubric below.
  2. Download the required template below under Template.
  3. Rename that template as Your Last Name Professional Paper Worksheet.docx. This must be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Save it to your own computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your assignment directly on the saved document. Save your work often.
    1. n the NR351 Announcements, locate the announcement entitled IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Weeks 4 & 6 Assignments. In this announcement you will find:
      1. The link to the assigned article (you must be logged into the Chamberlain Library before clicking the link). Download this article in PDF format to your own computer for use in this assignment. Read the entire article once downloaded and saved.
      2. The location of the required sentence for the quotation and citation.
      3. The location of the required sentence for paraphrasing and citation.
    1. This assignment must use the required article and sentences stated in the announcement described above to complete the following items:
      1. Reference for the assigned journal article,
      2. Quotation with citation,
      3. Paraphrased area with citation, and
      4. Assigned article summary.
    1. Each of required items above is clearly described on the Professional Paper Worksheet Template. Page numbers for resources in the current APA Manual are provided on the template for your use.
    2. The Assigned Article Summary that you write must be 175-200 words. The Summary must contain the assigned sentence for quotation and citation as noted in the announcement, the assigned sentence for the paraphrased area with citation as noted in the announcement, several additional paraphrased areas, and appropriately formatted citations. You may also include one more short quotation if you wish.
    3. When your Professional Paper Worksheet Assignment is completed, save and close the completed template. Click the Submit button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment.

SOLUTION NR351 Week 4 Assignment: Professional Paper Worksheet (Graded)


  1. See the NR351 Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet Assignment page.
  2. Read the NR351 Announcement entitled IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Weeks 4 & 6 Assignments: 
  3. Download in PDF format the assigned article linked in that announcement; save it to your computer for future use.
  4. Locate the sentence required for quotation and citation.
  5. Locate the sentence required for paraphrasing and citation.
  6. Read the entire article.
  7. Carefully review the resources and page numbers below to help you with APA format in this assignment.
  8. Complete each item below. All lines should be double spaced.

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