Pick a health services organization of your choice. Conduct research which can include your own experiences with the organization, experiences of friends or relatives, the organization’s website, a visit to the organization (if possible), websites of competitors, library research on the service category, module content, and any other place you think you can find information to provide depth to your analysis. After completing your research, prepare your MEMO as directed by the general guidelines for written assignments in the syllabus, project descriptions, by answering each of the following questions in turn:
SOLUTION Memo From: Student Date: 11/5/2024 Subject: Analysis of Kaiser Permanente Health Services Kaiser Permanente is a popular nonprofit healthcare organization in the United States that primarily provides health plans and medical services. Established in 1945, KP operates in eight states and the District of Columbia, including primary care, acute care, pharmacy, and specialty medical services. The details of the integrated approach are defined in the following manner: This option intends to improve patient flows, hence facilitating members’ interactions with the healthcare system. Kaiser consists of hospitals, medical facilities, and care providers that provide all types of medical treatment in a well-coordinated central approach. Kaiser Permanente assists in concentrating all necessary services in one location, allowing the patient to be confident that he is receiving all necessary and appropriate healthcare services within the patient’s budget. Kaiser Permanente’s membership spans all major geographic regions and is tailored to the needs of each region’s population. For example, in California, Kaiser considers the economic levels, ethnic density, and health risk variables that affect communities to develop a favorable approach appropriate for the healthcare regions served. Kindly click the purchase icon above to buy the full solution at $10 |