Assignment #3- Part 2: Video Report (8 points)- refer to the general assignment description in Part 1 of assignment 3.
Course Objectives for Assignment:
- Recommend structures and processes to manage compliance and to address ethical concerns in health care organizations.
- Promote informed decision-making by communicating emerging ethical and legal health care trends to stakeholders.
CREATE A VIDEO REPORT BASED on the Part from Part 1. Students should identify a specific healthcare employee that has responsibilities to carry out the topic selected. The video record of the presentation is based on the paper you wrote.
- The video should be no longer than 3-4 minutes (you can use a PPT, pictures or another format as background for your video presentation).
- Students are to create a video “report”. That means the student should be the only person to appear in the video. Students should neither ask an interviewee to be videotaped or have the interview appear on camera in the video. The format of the video is similar to the Introduction Video in Discussion Board #1 where the student is the only person in the video.
- Students can interview a health care professional in person, via phone, Skype, WebEx, etc. However, students must provide specific identifying information for the interviewee in the paper and video to ensure authentication ie., the interviewee’s full name, employer, etc.
- Students who do not know or cannot find a healthcare professional that has responsibilities for the topic selected should use UMGC’s Career Quest to locate a healthcare professional to interview.
- Students should use the Interview Script and Interview Questionsfor the interview-presentation i.e. make sure you ask the interviewee all the questions on this sheet. See attachment.
- Students should dress appropriately in the video ie., business casual have the video recorded in an appropriate environment ie., business or home office.
- Students should submit the video and the paper by the deadline via the assignment folders.
- Voice recording is not approved for this assignment.
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