Assignment #3 contains 2 Parts: a Paper (12 points) and a Video Report (8 points) Course Objectives for Assignment:
For this assignment, students are required to Write a Paper- Part 1 and Create a Video Report- Part 2 on an interview with a healthcare professional. Select a topic from the list below [must be a different topic from the one you chose for Assignment #l] or clear a topic with the Instructor beforehand. The purpose of this assignment is to raise the awareness of a specific employee’s role in a specific health care setting regarding a potentially critical aspect of his/her responsibilities. Target the right issue, the correct employee. In other words, the employee should be either a head nurse or senior administrator. Thus, your discussion should be as you are interviewing specific employees on their specific responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in those responsibilities.
WRITE THE PAPER-Part 1. Must use the headings from the outline below in your paper and the paper must be in a narrative form not outline or bullet format. A penalty will be deducted from the paper if underlined headings are not used in your paper. 1. Purpose of Paper, the topic chosen, applicable Federal and/or state laws State the purpose of the paper and discuss why you chose the particular topic, and provide the official title of the applicable federal and/or state law, the statute, and section number. Must be either a federal/state statute and you must cite both, if applicable. Thus if there is both a federal and state law that covers the subject you selected, then you must cite both the applicable federal and state law. Summarize in this paragraph the relevant language from the law that applies to your issue. If there is a relevant health care organizational policy that you can find, then please add that also. Do not assume that there is just a federal and or state law. In most cases, there are both federal and state laws. You must use the laws cited in this section throughout the rest of the paper.
The specifically targeted employee group and specific health services setting Pick a specific health care setting and specific employee (relevant to the topic) within the health care setting and then discuss, in detail, why you picked the specific employee and the specific health care setting. Examples of health care settings are the ER, the OR, nursing facilities, etc. Specific employee groups may include doctors-managers, nurses-administrators, program administrators, etc. Please be mindful to tailor your assignment to a specific employee and specific health care setting. Do not discuss your topic in general terms.
Assignment #3 Part 1: Raising Organizational Awareness- Student Maryland University Global HMGT 372: Legal and Ethical Issues 11/26/2024 Elder abuse and head nurses’ responsibilities Elder abuse, which includes physical damage, neglect, financial exploitation, and emotional abuse, is a serious issue in healthcare settings that has a substantial influence on patient safety and care quality. This research examines how head nurses in nursing homes recognize, report, and prevent elder abuse. Mandatory reporting rules exist at the federal and state levels to safeguard the elderly from harm. This study aims to investigate the legal, ethical, and organizational responsibilities of head nurses in ensuring compliance with these rules, as well as to examine the implications of failing to fulfill these tasks. The federal Elder Justice Act, Section 1150B of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-25), requires healthcare providers to report suspected elder abuse within 24 hours of finding. Failure to comply may result in fines of up to $300,000 and disqualification from federal healthcare programs. Similarly, California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 15630 requires healthcare providers to report abuse immediately or within two business days. Failure to comply with this requirement is a misdemeanor with up to six months in prison or a $1,000 fine. These statutes are crucial for holding healthcare providers accountable and ensuring prompt action in cases of elder abuse. Kindly click the purchase icon above to buy the full solution at $10